
Marlene Louisa Mörig


Edewecht, DE

creeate, FFI

Hi! Nice to meet you! I'm Marlene, creative mind, free spirit, generalist, doctoral student, doctor. I'm always excited to meet like minded people, learn from each other and work on a good challenge together. Next to my clinical work as a doctor I do research in medical informatics, am part of an organizing team for a founders conference, part of the board of the Young Translantics Initiative (IjT e.V.) and currently on a journey to get some of the basics of python. I want to build stuff and change the world. My Industry: MedTech/HealthTech My deep, semi-wise phrase: Challenges are just a shortcut to grwoth. My advice: Even if there is failure, if you accept it and are open to learn from it, also failure can be some sort of success. Feel free to reach out!


creeate, FFI,

Creeate was the result of a 48-hour Hackathon. Given some information about you/your company/your social media goals it provides you with a content plan of ideas to use for your social media. The FFI is a joint founding project with my partner. Together we want to support female financial independence by bringing financial education into companies having young female apprentices and students as employees. We are supported by the Foundation of the German Economy and the Heinz-Nixdorf-Foundation.

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