München, DE
The Real Friends
One of the youngest interns at IBM for AI in San Francisco at the age of 17, started programming at the age of 12, won several hackathons and national computer science competitions, worked with several big names in the past such as BASF, PwC, Siemens, etc., and generated more than €60K in billable invoices with a €1,100 day rate at Data Reply in 2024. My technical expertise allows me to develop any large-scale innovative platform, and I am committed to building the next billion-dollar company.
The Real Friends aims to revolutionize social discovery—that is, the way people create new connections with other people. Platforms such as Tinder, Bumble for Friends, etc., aim to achieve the first touchpoint on the platform itself. That means that, like on Tinder: a) you swipe until you find a person you are interested in, and b) from there your connection might emerge. The key thing to note is that two people never saw or talked to each other in real life; there was no initial touchpoint in the real world. Our new paradigm aims to put emphasis on the initial touchpoint in real life, which can bring new perspectives on how humans may make connections in the future worldwide. We call it the "magic glasses" way of thinking. Imagine you have the chance to get a pair of glasses that gives you a profile overview of every—yet unknown—person you see next to you. On our platform, at the end of the day, you get an overview of all the people you encountered during your day based on geolocation, and you receive a set of recommendations from our algorithm to be matched with them. Among other things, the new paradigm allows you to connect to a person "later" in the virtual world if you personally missed out on the chance to speak to someone because maybe at the moment you didn't have the courage, or maybe you had the courage but forgot to ask for contact details and the connection is lost—that is where we come in. In summary, our vision is that every previously unknown face/person you see in the real world can be traced back to their virtual profile. Currently, there is nothing like that out there; if you don't know the person, you don't know their contact details. With our new paradigm, this is different. Currently, we are in the early stage, building the MVP to test early customer feedback. From there, if we manage to prove traction and product-market fit, we will proceed accordingly.